Search - Properties

  Results: 15 - 30 of 60
Listings for SEMINOLE County
Georgia Arms Apartments2600 Georgia AvenueSanford327732-2407-323-4000Map It
Golden Oaks Apartments7701 Acorn Woods CircleWinter Park327922-3407-671-2668Map It
Hatteras Sound Apartments13000 Island Bay CircleSanford327711-4407-328-9500Map It
Howell Crossing2890 Red Lion SquareWinter Park327921-2866-450-9050Map It
Huntington Reserve2000 Rosecliff CircleSanford32773Call407-322-5955Map It
Kensington Oaks Apartments440 South Mellonville AvenueSanford327732-2407-324-7773Map It
Lake Jennie I Apartments1311 Santa Barbara DriveSanford327731-2407-324-7773Map It
Lake Jennie ll Apartments1311 Santa Barbara DriveSanford327732-3407-324-7773Map It
Logan Heights Apartments1000 Logan Heights CircleSanford327731-3407-302-2263Map It
Loma Vista5200 Loma Vista CircleOviedo327651-4866-495-3676Map It
Lotus Landing Apartments595 Lotus Landing Blvd.Altamonte Springs327141-3888-417-0050Map It
Mosswood Apartments101 Mosswood CircleWinter Springs327081-3866-845-7013Map It
Mystic Cove Apartments2780 Mystic Lake DriveOviedo327651-4407-672-0031Map It
Oviedo Town Centre Apartments450 Fontana CircleOviedo327651-4866-356-0679Map It
Ravens Crossing801 Ravens CircleAltamonte Springs327141-3407-788-3200Map It
Result Page Number: 1[2]34

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Disclaimer: HANDS of Central Florida, Inc. is providing this apartment search utility simply as a resource to our clients. We do not recommend or certify the availability of a unit, rent affordability, or physical condition of any listed unit. HANDS does make an effort to update this information several times per year. For more information on a particular apartment, please call the number listed for each apartment complex.